
Your TV is Targeting You?

Couple Watching TV

Television technology is advancing, and so are the advertising strategies associated with it. Samsung, a global leader in TV manufacturing, has introduced the Samsung Onboarding Partner Program, a novel initiative enabling advertisers to target specific TV audiences using their first-party data. This program collaborates with data management entities like Adobe, LiveRamp, and Oracle to pinpoint individuals engaged with ad-based video-on-demand (AVOD) platforms such as YouTube and Hulu.

Brands now have the capability to upload their proprietary first-party data, merging it with Samsung Ads’ data to enhance campaign effectiveness. Samsung’s analysis of 2021 campaigns revealed a notable 161% increase in conversion rates for brands utilizing their own data compared to those that didn’t.

This unveiling aligns with a broader trend, where marketers and advertisers are steering away from reliance on third-party cookies. Simultaneously, the popularity of ad-based video-on-demand (AVOD) streaming is on the ascent. A recent study by TVision discovered that Americans devoted more time to ad-supported platforms in 2021 than subscription-based video-on-demand (SVOD) services.

While Netflix remains the dominant player among SVODs, the study revealed a shift when combining the viewer time share of YouTube and YouTube TV. In Q3, this combined share actually surpassed that of Netflix, underscoring the increasing significance of AVOD platforms in the evolving landscape of television consumption.


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